
BI Dashboard planning, building and service

The interpretation and communication of data insights pose serious challenges to employees, who take a lot of time to prepare a report or present it. However, with the spread of BI tools, it becomes possible to create user-friendly, automatic, reliable and up-to-date reports/dashboards with softwares such as Power BI, t-method, or Tableau. Whether you are one of our large corporate clients or one of the smallest, our expertise gained during the creation of hundreds of visual elements helps us get the most out of your data. 

What can I use it for?

Business Intelligence (BI) systems can contribute to the efficiency and competitiveness of companies in many ways: They enable performance analysis, They can be used to optimize warehouse stock, Consumption and production processes can be monitored with them, Customer satisfaction can be increased and Makes reporting and its communication easier.

Why is it worth it?

If your company operates in a data-rich environment and you want to take advantage of the benefits that data-driven decision-making can provide: 

  1. The need for frequent reports and reports: If you need to prepare reports and reports frequently and they require manual work, BI systems can make this process more automated and efficient. 
  2. Integration of different data sources: Many companies need to manage data from many different data sources (e.g. sales data, financial data, logistics data). BI systems enable their reconciliation and integration, as well as interactive and informative display.
  3. The growing need for market research and customer analysis: To understand deeper market trends and customer needs, BI systems can support you with a faster and more efficient analysis of the necessary data. 
  4. Greater flexibility and agility: BI systems provide flexibility in decision-making and adaptation of corporate strategy, so your company can react more quickly to the changing business environment.
  5. Legal or regulatory requirements: If legal or regulatory requirements in your industry require accurate and transparent tracking of data, BI systems help ensure this compliance.

Therefore, the introduction of BI systems is usually worthwhile when the goal in your company is to work more efficiently with values ​​derived from data, make better decisions and achieve greater business efficiency. However, proper planning and implementation are important, and this requires a well-prepared team with extensive expertise.



Daniel Tobias

Chief Data Scientist

Daniel completed statistics, data analysis and programming courses at ELTE, where he wrote his thesis on the NLP method, a branch of Machine Learning. He has several years of experience in data-driven solutions, both in the field of Business Intelligence and Data Science. He mainly deals with understanding business needs/goals and transforming them into data-based solutions.